The Wildest Sun at Book Club Bar

FTC Disclosure: Embedded in the words “The Wildest Sun” at the end of the post is an affiliate link and if you click on it (and purchase the book) I will receive a teeny-tiny commission. Happy reading!

I am back again, with yet another story about a book launch party in the city, making me two for two when it comes to book launches within the same week. 

A few days after attending Elizabeth Topp’s book launch at The Corner Bookstore, I went to the launch of my friend Asha Lemmie’s sophomore novel, The Wildest Sun, at Book Club Bar. 

Asha and I attend the creative writing MFA program together at Columbia, which is how I know all about her New York Times Bestselling debut Fifty Words For Rain, a novel that has had members of my mother’s book club gushing ever since its release. 

For those who’ve never been to Book Club Bar, it is a book bar, where people can drink cocktails while reading books. This would be when my family and friends would say “enough said.” Sitting with a good book while having some wine is what many people dream of, so my friends and I poured one out while listening to Asha explain her genius to the room. 

Asha was charming and poised as she answered her editor’s questions, dressed in her fabulous, and signature, pink. Asha’s writing, which I have the privilege of reading more often than you all, deals heavily with “cultural rejection” as she puts it, making for very rich topics to explore. I am currently in the midst of finishing The Wildest Sun, a novel that explores that topic and more, in depth

We parted ways early in the evening, as Asha was due at NBC news the next morning.

My itinerary has been full of literary events, with hopefully more to come as the year progresses. I will also be making another pilgrimage to NYC Book Club in times to come in order to spend way too much of my money on wine and books.  

Aaaand, if you would like to check out The Wildest Sun by Asha Lemmie, click no further:

The Wildest Sun

The Tragic Queen,


P.S.: Check out my previous blog post here